Pherry Junior School End of Term 2 2024 Circular


Our Ref: PJSM/2024 P.0 BOX 697, MUKONO 
Your Ref………………

Date: 16th Aug 2024

Dear Parent/ Guardian, 


Warm greetings from Pherry Junior School. We appreciate your co-operation and support towards the growth and development of Pherry Junior School. We thank you so much, especially those who cleared the school fees dues of their children. This term has been a success because of you.

Today Friday,16th Aug, 2024, marks the end of our term two, 2024 and term three will begin on Monday,16th Sept, 2024, and End on 6th December 2024.


We wish to thank you, our dear parents for your support towards the teaching and learning process that has enabled us to meet our set targets this term. We have been with our pupils through a number of learning process and assessed thrice as the results are reflected on the report cards sent to you. We have also issued them with holiday packages that we encourage you to supervise as they do it and bring back for marking on reporting day for next term. 


All the pupils should report to school in full uniform. Learners in boarding are required to have all sets of uniforms, class wear, daily wear, sportswear and school sweater. Any other clothes will be confiscated. 

School fees payments 

We greatly appreciate our parents who make payments on time, for this has enabled us to do the same within the first two weeks of the term. Every child should deposit 85% of the fees before reporting to school using the school pay code or through centenary bank account number 3100026275 in the name of pherry junior school. Each payment made attracts an extra charge of 2,200

If a parent is to use a bank agent, then the agent must be for centenary bank ONLY. Cash or any payment is highly prohibited and it can be done at parent’s own risk because the school will not take any responsibility in case of loss. 

Note. On Friday 19th-20th Sept 2024 BOT exams  

On Monday 28th -29th Aug2024 MID term exams, Saturday 2nd Nov 2024 VID and dedication day for candidates.

 Thank you so much. We wish you a fantastic holiday and safe with our children.

Yours sincerely,



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